My last post dated 24 Mar, 2011. And today it is 25 Dec, 2014. Loooong time away from my blog…
I have never got to finish Chronos. After my last post dated 2011 here, I kept working on my stop motion film for a while and then eventually I quit totally. Before posting about what I have been doing, I want to publish some posts about my latest work on Chronos here. So, I will have more things documented here and share with who ever is interested about the process.
First is about building the set. We moved to a new house 3 times while I was working on Chronos. So, pics are from my latest space in 2012.
The picture above shows how my stop motion set looked like when I finished it:
And some pictures about making of the set for Chronos:
And and… my little cat Zeytin… She passed away on 24 Aug, 2013. I found some pictures of her inside backup folders while I was looking for latest Chronos works. It was very hard to say goodbye to her after spending 15 years together. Hi my little Zeytin:)