It has been a week since my last post. So, I want to post to say that I am alive and have been working on a lot of graphic design and flash animation works. It looks like these projects will take another very busy week and then I will be back working on my film. Even if I am busy with other works, I always have some time to think about my film and follow stop motion blogs and sites on the net everyday. I have also been thinking about new camera & lens options, how to build the set, stop motion software,. etc…
Camera: There is a big chance, I am going to be investing on Canon 40D and Nikon 55mm and 28mm lenses. We have been ( me and my husband ) checking out different places to buy these. Lets see if we can get a good deal for all.. I will post here about why I prefer this setting later. (EDIT on March 16th: I have decided to invest on Panasonic Lumix DMC FZ50 instead of Canon+Nikon set. I will post details later.)
Set: We dont have a basement in our house. So, I need to arrange things here to make a bigger place for the set. I think we will just split the room we work with a curtain to have a separate place for the set. Ohh our baby girl and cat. Need to find a way to keep them away from the set while I am shooting.
Stop Motion Software: AnimatorHD Personal. I think this is the software I will go with. Again, I will post details later.
12 replies on “busy beeeeee”
HI Yaz, I really could have said every word you did above; only in my case it’s many many weeks without any progress to post about.
Listen, important, I’ve been discussing what camera to buy for shooting my film with Darkstrider. What he told me about another camera, not a Canon or a Nikon, finally had me drop the idea of getting those and fully understand why his model is far better for stop motion. I will email you what he told me now…
Shelley, I totally understand yes.. many weeks.. Please just take it easy and try to spend more time on Halfland. Hey, I am here following your process everyday, reading, learning, learning, learning from your amazing blog site like many other stop-motion people out there.
Camera… yep I am going to reply you now on that one. Thanks!!!
cool….let us know what you finally decide on.
Hi Yaz!
How are you? I just wrote a response to your comment on my page about Twitter.
I’ve been thinking about cameras too. In the past DJ has only used her so-so digital camera for my silly little movies, but it won’t do for a real stop-motion movie. I guess we should start thinking about that soon. Have you thought much about software? We are looking at Dragon
I haven’t figured out how to get comments I write on other blogs sent to my email, but thanks for you comments.
Take care,
Jed xo
İstanbul’dan Bodrum’a!
yasemin ablacım hersey coook ama coook güzel ve inanılmaz görünüyor(:
uzun zamandır görüsemedik ama burda da filmin bitmesini ve seyretmeyi sabırsızlıkla bekleyen biri var, unutmayın!
hakan abi’ye selam, zeynep’e bool öpücükler(:
Hi Jed!
I have been away for a while and finally have a chance to reply.. Camera.. I am trying to get a good deal on Panasonic Lumix FZ-50 It is said that this camera is flicker free and able to shoot HD. These are very good features and I think it worth trying this one. I will post details about this camera when I have it. Software… I think you are on mac. As far as I know, Dragon is very good software for Mac users. I use PC, so I am thinking about using Animator DV Personal. It is at a reasonable price and a very good software.
Take care..
Çok çok teşekkür ederim!!! Siteyi takip ettiğini bilmek çok güzel. Desteğin için sağol. Biraz yavaş ilerliyor. Zaman buldukça ilgilenebiliyorum ama bakalım eninde sonunda bitecek.
Umarım çok iyisindir ve herşey yolundadır.
Öptükkk 🙂
I am in the same boat as you! I have been very busy with computer graphics and design work and am getting nothing done on the set. It all makes me feel strangely homesick somehow.
I am interested to hear more about your camera search. I to am looking, but no not really what I am looking for. The stage of the games seems so far off, that I guess I’m not really worried about it, as there’s still so much to be done on the sets.
Anyway, just wanted to let you know that I too am alive.
DJ (from over at Making Wanted)
PS Jed is waving, “hello!” 🙂
ha, I just realized I was logged in on Jed’s email acct.
Hi DJ,
I decided about which camera to use and actually just bhought one:) I have a Panasonic Lumix FZ-50 now. I am now going to post about it to the blog.
Take care and say “helloooo” to Jed.
Ooooppps, so you are using Jed’s email account. Hmmm does he know that???
did you manage to connect your fz50 with animatorHD?
I have tried but does nlot seem to work.
Neither Dragon. :_(
Hi, I have not tried connecting FZ50 with animator HD yet but I know some people using Lumix with Animator HD. As far as I know that the live feed from Lumix is analog and you need to get an analog/digital converter in order to turn it into a firewire signal for the computer. You do not need a security cam, webcam etc. I post details when I connect and start shooting.